Sunday, June 24, 2012

Benefits of Spontaneous Onset of Labor ~ 6-16-12

Many of us have heard about the dangers of unnecessary inductions, but how many of us have heard of the BENEFITS of allowing labor to begin on its own? With all the talk about inductions, the methods and medications used, what is or is not considered 'medically necessary', the convenience for moms and caregivers and so on, we can easily forget that not only are there risks associated with induction, but that there are great benefits to simply letting nature take its course and let labor start on its own. 

One of the biggest, and most obvious, benefits of letting labor start when your body and baby choose is avoiding an induction. 

Here is just a quick overview of our nations stats when it comes to inductions.

Labor Induction: Alarming Statistics In 2005, 22.3 percent of all U.S. births were induced — a 50 percent increase since 1990. A national survey by Childbirth Connection showed that 21 percent of U.S. women who gave birth in 2005 tried to self-induce labor because they were tired of being pregnant. They wanted to induce to avoid a medical induction, to control the timing of their birth, or because their caregivers were concerned about the size of the baby.
Elective induction rates vary widely among hospitals (12 percent to 55 percent) and among individual physicians (3 percent to 76 percent). But more than four out of 10 mothers (41 percent) reported that their caregiver tried to induce labor. For some women, an elective induction can almost double the risk for a cesarean, depending on the individual physician’s practice style and medical specialty. And all of these statistics are even more frightening when compared to the World Health Organization’s recommendation that appropriate induction rates in any geographic region should not exceed 10 percent.

We have discussed inductions during a previous meeting, which you can find the notes for here. Most of us know there are different methods of induction ranging from 'natural' techniques to chemical options. With every type of induction, there are risks since you are, after all, trying to start a process that isn't quite ready to start yet. Medical induction usually requires staying confined to the hospital bed with continuous fetal monitoring. This inhibits the laboring moms ability to get up and move into different positions to help with comfort and to help baby move down into a good position. Pitocin is a common, and probably most widely recognized, drug used to medically induce women in the US today. This medication is synthetic oxytocin, which is the hormone that triggers the uterus to contract in labor. The pitocin label clearly shows and spells out that it is not intended for use in pregnant women. Many negative side effects have been reported with pitocin use during pregnancy, including: nausea; vomiting; more intense or abrupt contractions of the uterus, severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); blood clotting problems; changes in heart rate; heavy or continued bleeding after childbirth; irregular heartbeat; pooling of blood in the pelvis and ruptured uterus. There have even been side effects reported to the fetus, including: bleeding in the eye; irregular heartbeat; seizures and slow heartbeat. (

Another benefit of letting labor being on its own is simply knowing that your baby is really ready to be born. When labor starts on its own at term (37-42 weeks), it is thought to be due to the baby’s mature body sending signals to the mother’s body saying that their lungs are mature and ready for life outside the womb. In a study, UT Southwestern researchers found evidence that a substance secreted by the lungs of a developing fetus contains the key signal that initiates labor. The substance, called surfactant, is essential for normal breathing outside the womb.
"We found that a protein within lung surfactant serves as a hormone of labor that signals to the mother's uterus when the fetal lungs are sufficiently mature to withstand the critical transition to air breathing. No one really understands what causes normal or preterm labor. There may be several chemical pathways that lead to labor, but we think that this surfactant protein, which is also produced by the fetal lung in humans, may be the first hormonal signal for labor," said Dr. Mendelson, who is co-director of the North Texas March of Dimes Birth Defects Center at UT Southwestern.

      Many times women are induced or schedule a c-section due to being what they believe to be 'postdates', when in reality, due dates are not 100% accurate. Due dates are typically measured from a woman's last menstrual period (LMP), and assumes that every woman has a 28 day cycle and ovulates on cycle day 14. Obviously, this is NOT true for many women and, therefore, their due dates are not accurately calculated from the beginning. The ’40 weeks’ (or 280 days) of pregnancy comes from Naegele’s Rule, which was NOT based on actual stats or empirical data, but on his personal beliefs based on pregnancy being stated as 10 lunar months in the Bible. ( Even when women have ultrasounds and are given a measurement and/or weight and 'due date' estimate, it has been found that ultrasounds are not very accurate in measuring baby’s size, weight or calculating due dates. (
      Finally, and most importantly, spontaneous beginnings to labor is actually good for babies.  The ‘stress hormones’ in the baby, catecholamine and adrenaline, are triggered during labor, which clears the baby’s lungs and changes their physiological characteristics to promote normal breathing, mobilizes readily usable fuel to nourish cells, ensures that a rich supply of blood goes to the heart and brain, and may even promote attachment between mother and child.  (

      I wonder how many mothers would still consider elective procedures if all of this information was widely shared with pregnant women? So, please, feel free to share this blog post with all of your friends and family that you know are expecting or even planning and hoping to get pregnant soon. Knowing the TRUTH about birth and the options each family has is essential to having the best birth for you. 

sSuggested reading:
 The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth buy Henci Goer

 Additional links
 40 Reasons to Go the Full 40
 Consumer Reports: What to Reject when you're Expecting

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Finding joy in an unexpected pregnancy

I must admit, when choosing "Finding joy in an unexpected pregnancy" as a meeting topic, I was not truly prepared for what my research would glean.  Certainly, I knew that putting the phrase "unexpected pregnancy" in a search was going to yield some discussion about whether or not to keep the baby.  What I did not expect was for almost every single post  to begin with something along the lines of "if you should decide to continue with the pregnancy..."  Now, I'm not here to begin a pro choice vs. pro life debate.  This is a natural childbirth support group, so I'm working with the assumption that you're interested in actually giving birth.  The sore lack of women finding joy in an unexpected circumstance was disheartening to me.  The miracle of a brand new life with a perfectly clean slate and endless possibilities set before him or her is a beautiful and joyous thing, indeed.  Even when it wasn't planned.  My first two pregnancies were very much unplanned and unexpected.  As my daughters grow into young ladies, they bless me and bring joy to me daily.  Even on the tough days.  Sometimes especially on the tough days.

First and foremost, remember that babies are a blessing. No matter when, how or at what time of life, bringing a new life into the world is a beautiful thing,

It's OK if you're not totally excited. Go ahead and grieve a little. Whether you're grieving that you're going to be a first time mom, or unexpectedly adding to your brood, you're not the first mom to have an unexpected pregnancy, and not the first mom not to be totally thrilled about it. Don't, however beat yourself up about it. Don't feel guilty.

Just like in any other traumatic or life-changing event, you may go through the 5 stages of grief.

Hold on to the joyous moments. When I got pregnant with my daughter at 18, most everyone acted like it was the end of the world. Only one person had the initial response of “Congratulations!” I held on to that. Although she was little more than a passing acquaintance, it meant a LOT to me. I was tired of the sober faces and apologies. I was pregnant, and ready to get on with being excited for the new life inside me. My world as I knew it was totally over, but a whole new one as a mother opened up to me.
Surround yourself with these kinds of positive people. You may also need to limit your contact with the other kind of people in your life who are too negative.
Have a snappy comeback for the people who you know are going to say something stupid. “Yes, we know what causes it, and we're good at it!” or “What can I say? He's pretty cute.” Whatever you want. Just don't let those snide little comments get to you. For whatever reason, people seem to think a pregnant woman is carte blanche to say tacky things that they would not otherwise say.

Discouraged with life in general and feeling somewhat sorry for myself at the time, I will never forget the words of a close friend when I told her that I'd accidentally become pregnant. Her face lit up, she beamed from ear to ear, and said: "You clever girl!"
It was one of the rare moments in life that left me speechless. I'm aware that this was not a standard response, but I have always interpreted her comment as a conscious choice on her behalf to focus on the miraculous concept of motherhood rather than the negative circumstances under which they had occurred. Regardless that a pregnancy may be unplanned, bearing a child is a unique experience and an accomplishment that one can be proud of. It by no means lessens having to deal with the negative circumstances, and no matter what anyone in your life may say or do in an attempt to help, at the end of the day coming to terms with an unplanned pregnancy remains a deeply personal and individual task.” ~Lisa Cooper

Seek out wise counsel. Whether that's a pastor, a women's group, a trusted family member, or an actual therapist, having someone to use as a sounding board can be a huge help in dealing with whatever feelings you have.

Don't forget to take care of yourself! Eat well, drink plenty of water, exercise, enjoy yoga and meditation, go ahead and splurge on that pretty maternity outfit you really want, even though you'll only wear it for a few months.

Finding out the sex of the baby and naming him/her can help to form a bond and get excited about being a mom. Just being able to refer to the baby as “he” or “she” or better yet as “Zachariah” or “Clara” instead of “it” or “the baby” can make a world of difference in how you feel about your new bub. Something happens when you give things a name. They start to become yours.

Remember that whatever goals you may have been working towards before the pregnancy are still attainable. Work out a plan with your husband and surround yourself with supportive friends and family. It may take a little longer than you had planned, and that's OK.  You'll get there.

Work on getting your finances in order now. Buy a coffee pot and brew your own instead of going through the Starbucks drive through in the morning. Ditch the satellite and go to Netfilx only. Consider cloth diapers. Hit up garage sales or thrift stores for cheap baby clothes. Most of all, don't buy into the Babies R Us hype. Really, babies need a blanket, a boobie, and something to catch the poop. All that other mess is just extra.

Make time for your marriage. Pregnancy and a new baby can be taxing on a relationship when it was planned. It's especially so when not. Making time for your partnership with your husband will help to give you a more positive outlook on life in general, and will help him bond with baby when the time comes.

Relax.  Even if you feel a disconnect with baby now, and you never quite get excited about being pregnant, that wonderful release of oxytocin in labour, and prolactin in breastfeeding will almost certainly ensure a bond with the baby.  Placenta encapsulation can further help even out those roller-coaster pregnancy and postpartum hormones, and restore essential vitamins and minerals.

You may want to read the story of Leslie Layland Fields, who at 43 found out she was pregnant with baby #5 followed shortly thereafter by baby #6.
Surprise Child – Finding Hope in Unexpected Pregnancy

Just a friendly warning – almost all the following links address the option of abortion. If that isn't something you want to read through, don't! Just citing my references! :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

When birth doesn't go the way you planned

This month, we discussed what to do when birth doesn't go the way you plan.  Here are my notes.  As always, these are sort of a rough draft, as I can never predict what way the discussion will go.  The input I get from the other amazing women attending is absolutely invaluable, so THANK YOU!!!  :)

It's OK. You did the best you could at the time with the information and the situation that you had. I think we forget that. I think a lot of times in the natural birth community we get so caught up in the idea of a “better birth” meaning natural, intervention and drug free, that we completely miss that all of us, as mothers, need support. We need to hear that if we didn't have the picture perfect birth that it's OK. We still love our babies. We still did the very best we could. It's really OK.

In the same vein, allow yourself to grieve the birth that you didn't have. I know when I had a traumatic birth with my first child, and a c section with my third, and was disappointed, I heard a lot of “At least you got a healthy baby. That's what matters.” Honestly, that's bull. Of course, the desired outcome is a healthy baby. That shouldn't even be the issue. We're talking here about the health of the mother. When momma isn't healthy, either physically or emotionally, it's terribly difficult for her properly take care of the baby. The birth experience DOES matter, tremendously. The following are quotes from mothers hearing the phrase “At least you had a healthy baby”

“I heard those words after my unnecessary cesarean- they cut like a knife. It was like I owed credit to my doctor that my child was alive and well, instead of I had a healthy baby because I did my best to make sure I had a healthy pregnancy. My cesarean was traumatizing, and recovery was tough and I felt guilty enough for being so gullible in letting the c-section happen in the 1st place because it wasn’t a peaceful birth for my daughter either- those words just piled on more guilt.”
“(it makes me feel) like my feelings don’t count…like I am just a baby machine and I should take everything bad that happened and put it in a box and forget it…its something someone that has never experinced birth trauma would say.”
“I was induced for medical reasons on my due date with my middle baby. I still am upset with that birth experience…. I mean I am happy she is healthy but she was not ready to meet the world yet. I feel like I didn’t give her the start in life that she deserved.”
“As a second class citizen. I had all my babies in hospitals, I didn’t know I had a choice. I would have loved to had them all at home. My first three were mostly uneventful, really my second and third daughters. My first daughter was traumatic due to induction, episiotomy . My last was a c-section, it was AWFUL, the recovery was horrible, I had a giant hemotoma under my incision, etc. I only wish I had known I could have a birth at home with a midwife, I would have.”
“I felt like I was put in a box. I felt like I couldn’t possibly rejoice and breathe a sigh of relief that- in spite of all of the trauma my baby was healthy- and at the same time grieve and mourn the very real physical, mental and emotional trauma I had been through.”
When a woman’s wedding cake tastes like crap, if she didn’t land the part, if a relative passed or is going through a hard break-up, her closest friends and family members don’t say, “tough shit.” At least the good ones don’t.
Rather, a good friend lends a listening ear. A good friend gives hugs, sympathetic cards and flowers, they do not say “get over it.” And the one who is feeling low gets to vent, thus encouraging feelings of acknowledgment, validity and ultimately, relief.

Talk about it with anyone who will lend a sympathetic ear. That's what this group is for. We love to talk about birth! I don't think I've held a single meeting where every single mother attending didn't have at least one disappointing experience. The facebook page is always open for comments or questions. There's also groups like ICAN for cesarean support. Talk about it with your ob or midwife. I don't mean be ugly or anything like that, but expressing your disappointment can be very cathartic. If your experience was negative because of something your care provider did, addressing it with them could lead to a change in policy or practise. Regardless, you put your trust in that person, and if they broke it in some way, it will help you process the disappointment just by simple discussion.

Get help. There's no shame in going to a counselor or taking antidepressants for a period of time. Be sure to let your doctor know if your breastfeeding, so they can give you a medication that's compatible with nursing, and if they tell you they can't, FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR!

Write it down. I blog, and just writing it down helped to process my feelings immensely.

Spend some time on yourself. I know that as a mom, it's easy to forget about YOU. I have a particularly difficult time getting away without the kids, but it's good for you. Sometimes, even momma needs a break. Go out with a girlfriend, get a massage, or just go grocery shopping all by yourself.

Exercise. I always find that when I take some time to do something good for myself like take a walk or do some yoga, I have a more positive outlook.

Learn to appreciate the present. Go snuggle that baby, because baby snuggles always make you feel better!

Look to the future. Get a copy of your medial records, and go over them to find out what went wrong, and make a plan of action to avoid, if at all possible, the same situation.

Friday, January 20, 2012

100 "Likes" giveaway number three!

Michelle Wardwell, you are one lucky momma tonight, because you won the bag, too!  It must have known you had something tasty to go inside!  :)

The third and final giveaway is a super cute Thirty-One thermal tote donated by Samantha Allison, and a Trust Birth wrist band.

To enter this giveaway, you must:
Like Trust Birth North Dallas on facebook
Follow Trust Birth North Dallas on Blogger
Check out Samantha's Thirty-One website, and leave a comment on this post telling me what you would buy from a Thirty-One party!
Winner will be chosen via at 10:00 PM CST Sunday, January 22.
Official rules in their entirety can be found here.

100 "Likes" giveaway number two!

Kristina R.  You are the lucky winner of these gorgeous prefolds and wipe tester!  Please contact me at with your info.

Prize number two:
A set of three hand dyed, diaper quality prefolds from Hip Green Baby a tester of wipe solution from Gingerbread Cottage, and a Trust Birth wrist band

I cannot rave enough about these prefolds!  I have some for my boy and love, love, love them.  Funny, no matter what kind of fancy-dancy diapers I buy, I always end up going back to prefolds.  Don't cloth diaper?  No problem!  These also make great burp cloths!

Be one of the first to try this wipe solution from the amazingly talented Ginger of Gingerbread Cottage!

To enter this giveaway, you must:
Like Trust Birth North Dallas on facebook
Like Hip Green Baby on facebook
Like Gingerbread Cottage on facebook
Follow Trust Birth North Dallas on Blogger
Comment on this post
Winner will be chosen via at 10:00 PM CST Sunday, January 22.
Official rules in their entirety can be found here.

100 "Likes" giveaway number one

Michelle Wardwell!  You are the lucky winner!  Please contact me at with your contact info so I can get you your cookies and tea!

I'm so excited to see our group growing!  My next goal is to do more with the blog, but for now...  Let's have a party!  I have three prizes to giveaway!

Prize number one:
One dozen oatmeal chocolate chip lactation cookies generously donated by Cookies by Jesi, a box of Earth Mama Angel Baby organic Milkmaid tea, and a Trust Birth wrist band.

Lactation cookies help boost milk supply naturally, but aren't just for nursing mommies.  I've shared with my teenage daughter, and even my nursling (who is 15 months old) and I promise no one has lactated but me.  Shhh!  Don't tell my husband!  I don't want to share.  ;)

I've never tried anything Earth Mama Angel Baby that I haven't liked, and this tea is no exception.  Be advised though, that Milkmaid tea is not recommended for pregnant mamas.

To enter this giveaway, you must:
Like Trust Birth North Dallas on facebook
Like Cookies by Jesi Shop on facebook
Follow Trust Birth North Dallas on Blogger
Comment on this post
Winner will be chosen via at 10:00 PM CST Sunday, January 22.
Official rules in their entirety can be found here.

Official giveaway rules



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